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I need help logging in.

  1. use Internet Explorer

Some features of SharePoint do not function correctly in chrome or firefox. Internet Explorer works best with SharePoint because they are both Microsoft products.


2. Make sure you're using the correct username. 

  • Your username will be your network login.  It will be the same as your email login. 
  • Your username needs to be start with the domain.  The domain is COAST.  to login to sharepoint you will need to use "COAST\username"

3. Your password will be your network/email password.

Please see attached graphic for login example.

4. You may not have the correct permissions in SharePoint.  If the above does not work, please let us know and we will check your security groups at Coastline and the District.  


SharePointLoginScreen.pdf SharePointLoginScreen.pdf

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Article details
Article ID: 11
Category: SharePoint
Date added: 2018-07-31 11:20:48
Views: 137
Rating (Votes): Article not rated yet (0)

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