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How to fix "Tagged Annotations Failed"

  1. Click Tags(icon on left side)
  2. Select Options (icon under tab heading)
  3. Select Find
  4. From Dialog box
    1.  Select Unmarked Annotations
    2. Select Search Document
    3. Click "Find" or "Find Next" 
    4. If any results display click “Tag Element” 
    5. Enter a Title for the type of element if needed
    6. Repeat until all are found
    7. If all are found and fixed click "close"
  5. Return to Accessibility check
  6. Right click Tagged Annotations Failed error
  7. Click “Check again”
  8. The error should resolve

This youtube tutorial describes the steps above.

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Article details
Article ID: 16
Category: Adobe PDF Errors
Date added: 2019-07-26 14:03:40
Views: 13525
Rating (Votes): Article rated 4.2/5.0 (16)

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