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How to make a flyer or image heavy pdf accessible


PDFS that are flyers or very complex images can be very difficult to tag and make accessible.  In this instance, we recommend making the flyer an artifact and attach the accessible readable content as a separate page.  Sighted users can view the flyer and users who use a screen reader will skip the image and go right to the accessible content.

Make an image pdf accessible

How to work with NVA Access

·         Download from

·         Click run as (you do not need to install)

·         Use these commands to navigate with the screen reader

o   Speech Mode on and off – Insert and S

o   While reading, press h key to skip to next heading

o   Press Home and down arrow to go to top of the document and start reading

o   Press control and home to go to the top of your document


How to make an image pdf accessible

·         Create new container and drag all artifacts under

·         Or if the document was created and put together in photoshop you can mark the entire page as an artifact

·         After the inaccessible pdf has been tagged as artifact,

o    go to tools

o   Select Organize pages

o   Click insert

o   From file

o   Choose the accessible text of the inaccessible pdf

o   Add at the end

·         Save document


·         Do another full check


Make-an-image-pdf-accessible.docx Make-an-image-pdf-accessible.docx

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Article details
Article ID: 23
Category: Adobe PDF Errors
Date added: 2020-01-28 09:18:46
Views: 165
Rating (Votes): Article not rated yet (0)

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