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How can I make my MS Word Document accessible?


Attached are instructions to help you make your document accessible.

Here is a link to a youtube to make accessible documents from Word to PDF.  This youtube shows you how to use basic headings.

 Here is an youtube tutorial of a more complex document with tables 



  • Use Heading 1, heading 2 etc
  • Bold or italic using the style headings(subtle Emphasis, strong emphasis etc) instead of the bold/italic button.
  • Create header rows for all tables
  • press the button for ‘Header Rows’ for the table
  • Added alt text for the table
  • Create footnotes using word process
  • Remove content from tables that is not data. 


  • Add style to the document
  • Add style to tables

More Guidelines to keep in mind


  • All tables must have header rows
  • All tables must include alt text to describe them
  • Tables must contain only data.  They cannot have merged cells.  Data cannot be entered into a table if it does not correspond to the header title.
  • No merged cells anywhere ( in excel) .  Tables included.
  • To use emphasis you must use the style buttons you cannot use the italic and bold buttons.
  • You must include Header 1 Header 2 Header 3 etc



accessibility.pdf accessibility.pdf

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Article details
Article ID: 13
Category: Accessibility
Date added: 2018-07-31 16:31:38
Views: 344
Rating (Votes): Article not rated yet (0)

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